I was on my blog for a little while today, in between my little man pulling me away, and beating me up!!
But I still have not figured out why when you go on my site it goes to the bottom of the page!!!!!
I went to Webmaster Tools and I do have a few errors but I'm going to have to delete whole posts and see if that works.. But I don't want to until I could repost them without the amazon ad in them. I do NOT however have malware or anything on my site. SO I WASN'T hacked thank god!
I did a lot more reading today. OMG I SWEAR HALF OF THESE SITES ARE FULL OF POOP!!!!
They say one thing and then another, all within a few posts! WELL I know one thing that I see A LOT of bloggers say and do Is keep their sites pretty basic. White background black words and whatever dullness in between... THAT IS ONE THING I WONT LISTEN TO I LOVE COLOR! I AM COLOR!
I will start writing more as I figure out my issue, and I figure out exactly what I want to write about. I'm stuck in my head with a lot of choices. I don't really like it. But I will decide I am sure whatever followers I gain over the next few months will either will be pleased! Thank you 4 READING!!!!! Cassie!!! :)
Hello! I'm still kinda new at Blogging so I'm going to figure it out along the way. I will talk about everything from News, Parenting, My life, My opinion on everything and anything. I want to say what's on my mind, this is a good way to get out thoughts you would keep to yourself. I would also like feedback, so don't be shy!!
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